Newsletter Fall 2015


As our world shifts from our long, hot summer into the cooler shades of Autumn, reflections turn towards a “back to school” mode. So I contemplate plans for this coming season and ponder on the tone and meaning of Autumn. The following poem entitled “Autumn” by Monza Noff, enfolds the theme of “letting go” which is a challenge for most of us.

Urge me to drop every leaf I don’t need

Every task or habit I repeat past it’s season

Every sorrow I rehearse

Each unfulfilled hope I recall

Every person or possession to which I cling –

Until my branches are bare,

Until I hold fast to nothing

Tutor me through straining night winds,

In the passion of moan and pant,

The gift of letting go

At the moment of most abundance

In the way of falling apples, figs, maple leaves, pecans.

Show me the way of dying in glorious boldness –

Yellow, gold, orange, rust, red, burgundy.

This contrasts with and complements much of neuroplasticity research and experiences that are becoming prominent in the psychotherapy field and outlined in Norman Doidge’s books which I have been digesting over the last month or so, (“The Brain that Changes Itself” and “The Brain’s Way of Healing”). They speak to the untapped potential in all of us and how our brains tend to fall into habitual patterns. So the importance of letting go! There’s an illuminating video on You Tube about a man attempting to ride a bike that’s been altered so that the turning of the handlebars is opposite to a regular bike & even when he knew that, it took him 8 months to unlearn the pattern in his brain so that he could ride this different one. (His son who was about 8 only took a few weeks – the younger the brain, the more neoplastic it is.)

So we need to increase our paying attention rather than being on automatic most of the time, and as the poet says, letting go of “every leaf I don’t need.”

We welcome back Sam Berne this September with a free talk @ Banyen and a weekend workshop (details below). Although the Friday classes have been discontinued, I am offering a few weekend events (see below), practice groups and continuing my somatic counselling and psychotherapy practice. Even though I’m slowing down, I am still here. I recently heard news that a Continuum teacher from the Los Angeles area is moving to Vancouver so our community may be blessed with additional resources.

Wishing each and every one of you, the gift of a sensory awareness practice that brings you into the present moment and frees up some of the limitations that have been imposed on us through acculturation and family dynamics,

With love & blessings,          Doris            August 25, 2015


September 23, 6:30-8pm: Dr. Sam Berne, Free talk & booksigning @ Banyen on “Vision and Neuroplasicity: transforming our personal, emotional & psychological maps.”

September 25-27: Dr, Sam Berne ( – weekend workshop @ UBC Vancouver. To register & for more information, contact Saskia Soeterik, 604-926-7398 or

Continuum Practice Groups this fall @ 3192 E 3rd, on Fridays from 10:30-12:30 on October 9 & 23, November 6 & 20 and December 11. If interested, contact Janey @ janeycm@telus,net to register & for more information. (Janey will be away for 2 weeks in September & may be out of email contact so if you don’t hear from her, just contact me.)

Saturday October 17 – 2-6 pm @ Yoga on 7th, 156 E 7th, Awakening Eros, a Continuum Mini-workshop, sourcing and exploring our deep erotic, sensual connection to ourselves and all that is around us. Did you know that 80% of the information sent to our brain comes from our senses? The true meaning of Eros is life enhancing, completing us and our connection to others, rather than the sexual aberrations as seen in our culture. Investment: sliding scale $45-65.

Sunday November 1 – 1-5pm @ Full Circle Studio, 1183 Odlum, Vancouver, Transitions as Creative Flux, a Continuum Mini-workshop. We truly are moving and changing all the time but often have difficulty in handling these transitions. Perhaps a different slant on these events both in the way we view them and having some tools with which to process them, can help to shift the clinging to the familiar, feeling stuck and assist in letting go and moving into a new phase. Investment – sliding scale from $45-65.

November 28, 6:30-9:30 pm & November 29, 10 am – 5 pm @ Inner Evolution Healing Centre, 3263 Heather St. . Deepening into Continuum, exploring stillness and space through movement and silence, finding and honouring your own organic wisdom. Investment: $150 & $125 underemployed & early discount by November 14.

For private appointments for my somatic counselling practice, I offer a ½ hour free phone consultations beforehand. Please contact me @ 604-254-0147 or

EXPLORE BOARD FOR SALE. If anyone is interested in purchasing my explore board, it includes a video with Emilie on the board, hand held weights and weights for wrists & ankles. I would give you some ideas about using the board which is a wonderful resource for strengthening with fluidity. I also have some body rolling balls for sale. Please contact me for more information.

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