Dear All: The second phase of my retirement is to end my Coounselling career, the first phase being the ending of my teaching of Continuum in March 2016. Another chapter in the Book of My Life is closing and the next chapter is begining. I move to Nanaimo on Vancouver Island on May 11th- interestingly the day before Mother’s Day! My daughter Sherry and I have bought a house in Central Nanaimo near Jingle Pot Pub and Westwood Lake! My eldest son, Claude lives nearby in Nanoose Bay. And I know some folks in Nanaimo & around, e.g. remember some of you, Mary Jo Fulmer who came with her baby to Emilie’s first retreat in this area on Gabriola Island at The Haven in 1993. It’ll be interesting to explore this whole area some of which I’m already in love with, like Ladysmith, Cedar & Chemainus.
I will no longer be sending out notices about Continuum events in Vancouver and area. For those of you in Vancouver, be sure to get on Daphne Georghiou’s email list: to receive notices of her teaching. For events in Seattle: (for Susan Harper in Seattle) & Robert Litman: There is a new organization of Continuum teachers that formed after Emilie’s passing, that is based on a consensus model: check out the website;, for information about teachers, workshops & events around the world.
It has been my pleasure to hold space for this work that I love, both teaching Continuum and my Counselling practice. I will miss it dearly and yet it feels like the right time to make this move. I wish you all much curiosity, joy, love & inspiration on your journey to finding your true self & your place in our world. |I am honoured to have shared this journey with you. I have been watching the series on Netflix entitled “One Strange Rock.” Hosted by Will Smith, National Geographic & featuring astronauts who speak of their experience up in space, the photography is stunning! It left me with a feeling of humility & amazement at being a part of this immense universe & how life has developed on our planet. My sense is that if all people would take in what this incredibly beauttiful series illlustrates, there would be no wars.
With much love & fluid blissings, Doris
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